sn0wbreeze v2.8b10 JB iOS 5.0 / 5.0.1 b2

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發表於 2011-11-05 23:30

sn0wbreeze v2.8b10 JB iOS 5.0 / 5.0.1 b2


Supports iOS 5.0 (9A334)/5.0.1-b2 (9A404)
* Fixed iBooks sandbox crashing issues (as of 2.8b9).
* Fixed location services issues with iPhone 3GS
users running the iPad baseband (as of 2.8b9).
* Re-added iPad baseband install option to iPhone 3GS.
* Removes UDID requirement/Beta timer in 5.0.1.
* Tethered devices are booted via iBooty which is
extracted to the Desktop after running sn0wbreeze..

Supported Devices and Tethered?

- iPhone 3GS (old bootrom)...NO
- iPhone 3GS (new bootrom)..YES
- iPhone 4 (GSM)............YES
- iPhone 4 (CDMA)...........YES
- iPod Touch 3G.............YES
- iPod Touch 4..............YES
- iPad 1G...................YES

** iPhone 3GS iPad baseband (06.15.00) users: **
- Re-flash the iPad baseband via sn0wbreeze
if you restore(d) to a stock 5.0 firmware.

