SE新機 C903 還真像相機......
Frances is new Cyber-shot branded slider phone with 5-Megapixels camera and autofocus. Now you should call it as C903, because it is official model name of this phone. Frances has pretty good design (not copy-paste). It has 320×240 pixels 2.4″ TFT screen. One of the main imaging features is active lens cover. The same style of lens cover as in cameras from Sony. Also it has basic tehnologies from Cyber-shot phones: PhotoFix, Face Detection, Smile Shutter, etc. C903 also has aGPS. Frances will be announced at the MWC on the 15th of February. Release date of C903 will be in the end of Q2 2009. If you have some questions about Frances, you can publish a comment, and I will try to give you the answer. Today on the Mobile-Review Forum was leaked back of C903. Pic has bad quality, but here we can compare Frances with camera from Sony.
看樣子她不是傳聞中千萬畫素加光變的那隻 五百萬畫素相機具備氙氣閃光燈、臉部追蹤對焦、微笑快門、PhotoFix、鏡頭保護蓋 和aGPS 將在二月十五日的WMC發表 長的真像T2..... 背面那張照片看得出來畫質很差 砲彈請收= = ※轉自SEMC
我都快哭了呢說:哈哈哈, 妳也這麼覺得嗎? 我現在已經在想像手機握在手裡的觸感了呢~ :D 應該感覺手機後一個條狀物吧? :PFrances is new Cyber-shot branded slider... 恕刪
不是很好看= =" SE的螢幕怎麼老是長不大...
自己愛攻擊別人卻說自己討厭別人惡意攻擊!!這樣的人根本就是奸詐&卑婢小人 -
螢幕感覺是拉長的2.2吋 也許解析度是320*480
Near說:他有寫喔 是2.4吋螢幕 解析度是QVGA螢幕感覺是拉長的2.2吋也許解析度是320*480跟iphone和6260s一樣OKURT
我都快哭了呢說:但2.4吋還是有進步的空間 而且不少他有寫喔是2.4吋螢幕解析度是QVGA
﹒☆°.悠﹒☆°.﹒說:別這樣... 這是中階手機啊. 其他家也是同樣甚至只有2.2吋規格啊. 再說, 他設計感算是比其他家較多變(事實)和比較好看(個人觀點)呢. 如果中階規格配2.4QVGA螢幕後還應要求有進步的空間的話, 我也不會把眼光放在高階規格了. =_=但2.4吋還是有進步的空間而且不少
不過現在SE也漸漸要普及2.4吋了 加油