全球首款 Android 2.3 Nexus Two 三星下周發表?

Iron(i322322) 一般網友
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發表於 2010-11-02 10:09


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謠言告終?Samsung 否認 Nexus Two 存在

Samsung Nexus Two 近期傳得火熱,科技大網 Gizmodo 更表示親身得到 Nexus Two 試玩,引起不少 Android 粉絲引頸盼望。不過 Samsung 怕情況惡化下去令大家誤以為真,現在官方直接否認 Nexus Two 的存在,或者韓文翻譯錯誤,可能只表示不經由 Samsung 代工,所以不排除其他可能性。其實 11 月 8 日的產品發佈會只是發表由 Verizon 獨家發售的 Continuum,它是一部雙螢幕的 Galaxy S 系列手機,較小的螢幕會簡單顯示各項即時資訊,例如天氣、時間、RSS 及新電郵通知等,設計目的是為了節省開啟主螢幕的電量。

MarcoHu(mansonfat) 站方人員
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發表於 2010-11-02 11:10
Marco說:一周後 Google 會再度發表 Android 示範機 Nexu... 恕刪
真的是大幅度更新嗎?怪了跟我印象中的不太一樣,我以為就是因為小幅度,所以才只跳個 2.3 出來...但還是希望跟你講的一樣,否則一直小改也滿沒有意思的...

好像又有新消息了!剛到  www.android-hk.com/ ==... 恕刪
如果真的只是發表 continunm 的話
那就是這台有子母螢幕的手機了 (也是 Galaxy 一員)
主螢幕有 3.4 吋
下面小的螢幕是 1.8 吋
不過是走 CDMA 的
所以.....................表情 #5

我也把標題都改成「?」啦,希望這 Nexus Two 不要是烏龍一場

全球首款 Android 2.3 Nexus Two 三星下周發表?

全球首款 Android 2.3 Nexus Two 三星下周發表?
月俠(lunarexia) 一般網友
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發表於 2010-11-02 13:38

Luffy(gg78930) 一般網友
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發表於 2010-11-02 20:09
 沒人叫你換吧= =
旺旺仙貝很好吃(loveayu910) 一般網友
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發表於 2010-11-02 20:37
長得跟I9000真的好像表情 #5


轉轉小木馬(daniel2468) 一般網友
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發表於 2010-11-02 22:02 ,最後編輯於 2010-11-02 22:14
哪有 IPHONE4有視訊電話押  妳說的那個是IPHONE4對I... 恕刪

沁藍(leotsao2004) 一般網友
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發表於 2010-11-02 22:44

真的是大幅度更新嗎?怪了跟我印象中的不太一樣,我以為就是因為小幅度,所以才只跳個... 恕刪

Marco大 我找到消息囉~

全球首款 Android 2.3 Nexus Two 三星下周發表?

We've been talking about the next version of Android -- (still) unofficially dubbed Gingerbread -- as far back as a year ago -- months before Froyo was ever announced. But what we haven't really known was what version number it will be. Android 3.0 has been thrown around, as has Android 2.5.

Another version that's been mentioned -- and now has a little more weight to it -- is Android 2.3. The snippet above is from Google's "issues" repository -- basically a place for anyone to report a bug or request a feature. Issue 8804 refers to problems connecting to corporate Wifi after the Froyo update (specifically, "wpa_supplicant 0.6.10 (froyo) unable to auth in a wpa2/enterpise wifi"). A googler on Sept. 30 responded that a patch will be available in the next "major release" -- Android 2.3.
From : Android Central 
以下是翻譯版本:(我用Google翻譯弄的 翻起來有些地方怪怪的 請見諒...)

我們一直在談論下一個版本的Android - (仍然)非正式地稱為薑餅 - 早在一年前 - 個月前升級 Froyo,是以往任何時候宣布。但我們還沒有真正知道它的版本號碼會是什麼。 Android的3.0已引發周圍,正如Android 2.5。

另一個版本的被提及 - 現在有一個小更多的重量,它就是Android 2.3。上面的代碼段是從Google的“問題”庫 - 基本上,任何人報告錯誤或請求的功能。問題是指發行 8804連接到企業無線網絡的升級 Froyo更新後(特別是,“要讓 wpa_supplicant 0.6.10(升級 Froyo)無法認證在wpa2/enterpise無線”)。一個 Google員工 9月30日答覆說,補丁將在接下來的“重要版本” - Android 2.3。
還有另外一篇 裡面有2.
3 以及3.0.1的圖片 ((這裡我只放圖片和超連結 想看的就直接點進去吧
全球首款 Android 2.3 Nexus Two 三星下周發表?

From : Android Central


有問題歡迎發問/PM 粉絲專頁:沁藍's 科技同好區 歡迎大家交流~
沁藍(leotsao2004) 一般網友
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發表於 2010-11-02 22:52
好像又有新消息了!剛到  www.android-hk.com/ ==... 恕刪
至於你的這個消息 國外的論壇好像也有了新的消息

Yes, the Samsung Nexus phone is still real and coming soon

As the site that first reported on the upcoming Samsung Google-experience phone, I have been asked to respond to this morning’s news that stories about the “Nexus Two” are simply not true.

The denial of the “Nexus Two” comes from the Korean site Danawa. It is entirely in Korean, so everyone is relying on rough translations of what was written. Here are two translations of the paragraph that sites are using as their source that the “Nexus Two” is fake.

Google translation: “Samsung Electronics, “is simply not true,” put out a position, but in the meantime, Google and Samsung is the industry Galaxy S, Galaxy boyeoon work closely enough at the tab with the possibility to launch Google phone is reported to be greater.”

Yahoo Babel Fish translation: “Samsung Electronics “entirely is not the fact and ” during that time the Google phone [chwul_si_hal] also the possibility is big together the cooperation relationship whose Google and Samsung are close from galaxy S and galaxy tap etc. seems from the industry which puts out the position which is as thinks.”

As you can see, both translations are pretty rough and neither is a flat out denial of the Google-experience phone. In fact the Google translation says the possibility of a second Google phone is reported to be greater. For all we know, the unnamed Samsung source could be disputing the “Nexus Two” name which we have already said is not the actual product name for Samsung’s Nexus phone.

The entire story just feels a little weird because companies normally do not respond to rumor and speculation surrounding products that have not been officially announced. Do you actually think Samsung would confirm their secret phone right before they announce it? This almost reminds me of how a Sony representative said the PlayStation Phone pics were fake and later had to retract their statement.

However you want to spin it, Samsung is working on a Google-experience phone and it will be part of the Nexus family. I wouldn’t be reporting on this story unless I had a good sense that we were bringing you fact, and not fiction.

I think the real story here is that Google is reviving their Nexus brand. Just because they decided to work with Samsung on the next phone, that does not rule out the possibility that HTC or Motorola could also produce another Nexus branded device in the future. So in theory, you might actually be able to purchase a real product named the “Nexus Two” that was made by HTC.

In closing, Samsung’s product will not be called the “Nexus Two”, but it will be part of the Nexus family and be sold unlocked, direct to consumers.

From : Android And Me

這段Google翻譯出來的結果非常的怪 所以我就簡短說明

當初不是Samsung跳出來否認說會有Nexus Two的手機嗎

可是可能因為是韓文 所以大家都適用翻譯或之類的東西下去跑 跑出來的結果非常的粗糙

而這台手機應該會出 不過名稱可能不會是Nexus Two


有問題歡迎發問/PM 粉絲專頁:沁藍's 科技同好區 歡迎大家交流~
san(sanpan) 一般網友
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發表於 2010-11-03 00:59
流傳的 Nexus Two 規格,轉自 Android 資訊雜誌: And... 恕刪
pops(ckc88108810) 一般網友
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發表於 2010-11-03 13:30
 非常不以為然...android版本出得又快又不能統一每買一支手機又... 恕刪

不需要狂買吧......表情 #4
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