RedSn0w 0.9.10b5 With iBooks Fix

情為何物(leo1019) 一般網友
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發表於 2012-01-30 16:53 ,最後編輯於 2012-01-31 09:19
The iPhone Dev-Team has released RedSn0w 0.9.10b5 which includes another fix for iBooks by planetbeing.
redsn0w version b5 incorporates yet another fix for iBooks, this time involving DRM. @planetbeing wrote a utility called "crazeles" that overcomes jailbreak detection by iBooks that would cause about 10% of images to show incorrectly. This fix is similar to the "hunnypot" fix that @comex wrote for the 4.x jailbreak. As usual, you can choose to install the fix either by re-running redsn0w over your existing jailbreak (de-select Cydia if you do that), or by installing the corona package from Cydia (it's the same set of files no matter which way you choose).

Pod 2g早前在Twitter上声明,经过A5越狱梦之队成员planetbeing的研发,能够完美越狱A4设备(iOS 5.0.1)的绿毒越狱工具Corona即将更新至1.0.6,会修复被许多用户反映的DRM问题:即越狱之后,iBooks上一些受到数字版权管理技术保护的文字和图片会无故消失的漏洞。
  现在看起来A4另一个完美越狱工具RedSn0w已经抢先做到了这一步,iPhone Dev Team已经放出了RedSn0w 0.9.10b5。这是继0.9.10b4之后,这款越狱工具再一次针对越狱后iBooks的使用问题发布更新。

