最新 Redsn0w 0.9.9b7 for Windows

情為何物(leo1019) 一般網友
發文: 2,741 經驗: 14,632
發表於 2011-10-21 16:49



Update #15: After some feedback on reddit, we’ve decided to make the initial jailbreak as quick as possible by no longer “stashing” the applications by default during the redsn0w run. This reduces the time to actually perform the jailbreak from 210 seconds to 80 seconds (60 percent!). However, you make up for much of that the first time you launch Cydia, which will then want to stash the applications. You can choose whether you want redsn0w or Cydia to stash in the Preferences pane.

李思(er111eic) 一般網友
發文: 24 經驗: 199
發表於 2011-10-21 23:41
用redsn0w 0.9.9b7進行不完美JB的時候,將會大幅度加快速度,可從目前的210秒左右縮短至80秒左右(加快60%)。但是相對應的,在JB之後,第一次直 行cydia的時候會花費更多時間來彌補之前因加速而没有執行的應用。是否按照上述新的方式来JB可以在 Preferences 選項中自行選擇。

